Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Ugly Truth (Weekly Challenge- Day 1)

So here is the ugly truth...

Because I have unrealistic expectations of how I think my body should look, I decided to do away with two piece bathing suits last year. HOWEVER, Drew bought me a cute ruffled two piece to wear during our vacation next week which has sent me into a weight watching, food binging, calorie counting obsession for the past month. I've gained a few pounds due to a week long cookie binge and all I've been able to think about is how to lose the weight before this vacation. But Alex, I thought you surrendered and were going to do things God's way? (Sigh) I know, I know. I thought that if I made sure to spend time in the Word before working out every morning, it meant that I was putting God first. But all of my thoughts still revolve around what I've eaten, how many calories it had, what I'm going to eat next, did I or didn't I workout today, etc, etc...

I love using Drew's Life Application Study Bible because it includes explanations and thought provoking questions for almost every verse. Something I read in it said that if we try to find meaning in our own accomplishments rather than in God, we will never be satisfied, and everything we pursue will become wearisome. Hello! My situation exactly! If I were to achieve the "perfect" body, then what? I won't be able to keep it forever. The reality is, since I have unrealistic expectations, I'll never be satisfied and always strive for better. And that has become VERY wearisome. So I thought, what if I invested all of this time and thought into improving my soul rather than my body? How much more rewarding and fulfilling would that be?

"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"  Matthew 16:26

So here is my challenge for the week, and I hope that you'll join me. I need to build more self-discipline (because another ugly truth is that I've been midnight snacking again). So each day I am going to choose one thing to be disciplined about whether that be doing something I don't want to do or refraining from something I  want to do. Since I feel very certain that I will find myself in the kitchen around the midnight hour, I commit to NOT eating anything after I have fallen asleep. I thank you for the accountability and will keep you posted on the outcome.

"Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life the Lord has promised to those who love him."  James 1:12

***If you are in a similar situation and feel like sharing, want to join me in this challenge and need some accountability, or could use some prayer, please leave a comment or contact me at You don't have to do anything alone.***

With Hope & Blessings,

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