Friday, August 12, 2011

From Brokenness to Beauty (Weekly Challenge- Day 2)

I don't deal well with failure. In fact, most of what I do is driven by my fear of failure. It's why I'm a perfectionist, why I have to be the best at everything, why I am so fixated on the way my body looks, and why it drives me mad when I eat in the middle of the night! I am embarrassed to admit that I failed yesterday's challenge and ate after falling asleep. And not once, but twice! I am even more embarrassed to admit that I contemplated posting yesterday's entry only once I successfully made it through a night without eating so that I wouldn't have to admit defeat. Luckily, God had a different plan for me...

Micheal Franzese is a former mafia member who gave his life to Christ and tours the country giving his testimony. I missed hearing him speak at my church last week so I decided to watch the service online this morning. His main point was that God has a purpose for everyone, and no matter what you've done in your past, God wants to use it for something good. OK God, I see where you're going with this. Hearing Michael reminded me that although we'd like people to see only the righteous sides of us, God wants to use our brokenness for something beautiful.

Therefore, my hope is that by exposing my brokenness, you will be encouraged to do the same and not live in shame of your struggles. While we all love a happy ending, I believe the journey, filled with all of its setbacks and failures, is what inspires people to persevere. And that is what I am going to do tonight. I may have lost the battle last night, but I am determined to win this war! Once again, I commit to not eating after I fall asleep tonight. Thank you for the accountability and I will keep you posted on the outcome.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."  2 Timothy 1:7

With Hope & Blessings,

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